Assessment Process:

  • Reach out to us through the “Contact Us” tab. Once contact has been made, you will receive a copy of our referral form and consent form, which will need to be completed before an appointment is made. Any previous reports or letters from other professionals (current or previous) will need to be provided. E.g. OT reports, Speech/language assessment, paediatrician or psychiatrist letters etc.

  • The initial appointment is scheduled either on a Tuesday evening 5pm-7pm, or Saturday between 11am-4pm.

    The initial appointment goes for 1.5-2 hours and is usually conducted online. A link to an online meeting will be sent to your prior to the appointment.

    For assessments involving children/adolescents, the initial appointment will be conducted with parent/s or caregiver/s only.

    The initial appointment allows the psychologist to gather necessary information for the assessment such as background history, and details of the presenting concerns.

  • The assessment appointments can vary in length but generally go for 1 - 4 hours. After the initial assessment, the exact appointment times and length can be determined.

  • Approximately 4 weeks after the assessment appointment, you will have a feedback appointment booked. This will go for 30mins to 1 hour and provides an opportunity for you to go through the psychology report and ask any questions.

Education Workshops:

  • Reach out to us through the “Contact Us” tab. Please provide information about your requirements, queries, and proposed time/date of workshop. A quote can then be provided based on your needs.

  • A survey will be shared with attendees to capture any specific questions that can be address during the Q&A component of the workshop.

  • Workshops can be held in person or online. It will be up to the requester to arrange an appropriate space for the workshop if in person. Generally workshops include an on-screen presentation, and therefore option to have a large screen for viewing is preferred.

  • Support is provided for 2 weeks post workshop to address any follow up questions that participants might have.